7 Tips for Hosting Effective Virtual Board Meetings

Effective virtual participation is vital to the success of meetings for nonprofit boards. Facilitation of meetings and a thorough record is crucial to ensure online meetings are efficient. Meetings that bring board members from nonprofit organizations together in person might not always be feasible.

To keep the discussion focused on actions to be discussed, limit each person’s speaking time to a single time. It’s also helpful to include a link to a video prior to the meeting, where presenters can read their slides to attendees, which helps save time and eliminates distractions.

Another challenge with remote meetings is knowing when participants have something to contribute. Video calls make it harder to detect social cues but the success of a charity depends on encouraging open discussion.

It is essential to have enough details to make informed decisions. That’s why it’s important to provide a thorough overview of the meeting in the form of minutes. Minutes can be used to record the decision-making process and can be helpful for board members who are absent or in the case of a legal issue. This is simplify M&A deals with data room why your minutes should be concise and accurate. Your minute-taker must avoid including any information that might be interpreted as private including opinions, voting or off-the-record discussions. This article provides 7 suggestions for hosting effective virtual board meetings that yield effective decisions for your nonprofit.

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